Maternity Photos!

We just got back from another week at the beach, or as I like to call it "OBX: Part Deux". With just 6 weeks to go, I asked my Dad to take some maternity pictures for me. You'll easily be able to see where I get my talent for photography!


  1. Those turned out great, and you look beautiful, Kelli! I'm impressed with Matt's photo skills. Maybe you guys can start a father/daughter studio. =)

    And considering how far along you are, you STILL don't look very big. Grrr... =)

    See you soon!!

  2. I am feeling more ginormous! I'm finally starting to feel pregnant - the heartburn, braxton hicks, swollen feet and ankles... overall though, my pregnancy has been super easy and I have been blessed! I've only gained 22 pounds!
