Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam

With New Year's behind us, that means we start a new year at church! Autumn graduated to the CTR 6 class and Brody left nursery behind and became a Sunbeam! Autumn was sad to leave her teacher, Sister Nix behind, but she was so excited about Sister Pierce! The first thing she told me after her first day was that Sister Pierce had brought them a treat, something she was very worried about since her previous teacher often had picnics during their lessons.

It's hard to believe Brody is 3 and in Primary! I still remember when he was brand new and sitting in the back of Primary in his carseat as a newborn while I taught or conducted. Now he sits right up front with the rest of his class and his awesome teachers, Rosie and Sarah. 

It's always hard to be a member of the Primary Presidency and have kids in Primary with you. I usually have a shadow for the first few months of Primary and kids more stubborn than they'd be if I weren't in there. Still, Brody did great and I think he will be a lot more comfortable in Primary than Autumn was at first, at his age. 

So proud of my gorgeous kiddos. I can't believe my babies are so old!

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