This weekend my sister hosted a BBQ at her house for our little family, my parents and my Aunt Sue. I haven't been able to eat anything other than applesauce and jello for the past 2 weeks or so and as you can imagine I was very much looking forward to a "real" meal. Jodi didn't disappoint! She made delicious chicken and steak kabobs, a super yummy mexican dip/salad with chips, deviled eggs, and a yummy cake for dessert.

Autumn had an especially good time. She visits Aunt Jodi's a lot and loves being with her "brothers" and playing on their deck with 3 different plastic cars to choose from. In addition to her sponge curler look, she has another winning style in the pictures below:

You know it's a good party when clothes start coming off. Thanks for a great day Jodi!

1 comment

  1. So loving that hair!! It's hard to believe a child can be that cute!
