Preschool Graduation

At the end of the year, Autumn's preschool puts on a little graduation ceremony for all of the students. It was especially memorable this year since Autumn is graduating from preschool and moving onto Kindergarten! This year the school held a little ceremony in the chapel of the church, a lunch (helped prepared by the children) and then the kids could all play together on the playground one last time. It was just perfect - minus Autumn's stubborness to participate at first! 

Autumn was shy/stubborn to participate at first. Her teacher as always been so amazing and sensitive to this aspect of Autumn's personality. While Autumn didn't want to go to the front, she did come and sit next to her teacher and eventually worked her way up to being comfortable enough to participate. Mrs. MacHenry was a lifesaver this year!

Only about half of Autumn's class was at graduation. They split graduation between two days, so we were sad we didn't get to say goodbye to Arista, Chloe, and Audrey.

Getting her diploma and bubbles!

After the diplomas were handed out, all of the kids moving onto Kindergarten next year got together to sing a special song for their parents:

We just loved Mrs. MacHenry. She pulled so much out of Autumn and was firm, but you just knew she loved all of her students. I appreciated how patient she was with Autumn and how she knew just how to get the best of our her. I only hope our Kindergarten teach is as amazing!

Mrs. Hirave has been Autumn's teacher's aide for the past 2 years. She's the sweetest lady! 

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