Dear Autumn

 For the past few years I've watched my online friends have kids and begin to write these letters to their "offspring". Granted to me they weren't very interesting (sorry friends, I'll admit it now) However, now that I have a child of my own I do read the entries and can better identify with the little things that make a mom smile.

I've decided to write letters of my own - for myself and for Autumn. For me - to remember the little things that she does that make me smile, make me cry and make me wonder "WHAT WAS I THINKING?!". For her - to read someday when she's older and read the stories of her childhood that I won't always remember down the road. Afterall, the more kids I have, the more my memory will be shot. Or so I've heard...

Dear Autumn,

Just a few days ago you celebrated your 6 week birthday. You are a completely different person than you were when we brought you home. All of your newborn outfits are suddenly becoming too small. I can't believe how fast you're growing and how quickly time has flown. Again, it seems like just yesterday we brought you home but we can't remember what life was like without you.

I type this one handed as you lay in my arms, sound asleep after polishing off 5oz. of formula. Though you are completely passed out, you still manage to suck on your pacifier every 30 seconds. It is so incredibly adorable - and mesmerizing.

Your hair manages to entertain us everyday. You have natural volume - you'll hopefully never have to tease your hair. This week Nana keeps calling you Lyle Lovett. Hopefully your hair will grow just a bit longer so that I can better tame it. You continue to sport natural highlights and your hair grows just a bit lighter every week. A part of me will be sad to see you go blond one day.

This morning we stayed home from church because you didn't sleep well this morning and I've had this cold for three weeks now. We ended up migrating back to Dad's room where we snuggled up as a family. Dad doesn't spend much time with you during the week, but this morning you were his favorite toy. You were laughing, smiling and kicking up a storm and he just couldn't get enough of you. He really misses out on seeing just how funny you are.

Nana finds you more entertaining than anyone else and you love every minute of it. Nobody can get you going quite like her. You so badly want to talk - you know to open your mouth but can't quite get anything out of it. You surprise yourself when you do. When you finally realize how to do it I fear we won't know how to keep you quiet when the moment calls for it!

Thank you for being a good baby. I like to pretend that you are the exception and that no one else has lucked out with a baby as great as mine. You make me a better person in so many ways. My only complaint is the general lack of a good nights rest; however, all that is forgotten when I look down at you in the middle of the night when you've suddenly stopped eating and I see a giant smile on your face. It's only then I forget just how tired I am.



  1. Ahhh, see, now I know you glossed over all my entries! But that's OK. I understand. She's gorgeous, but of course she would be with such a stunning set of parents. I'm eager to watch your journey as parents as I was glad to follow your journey as an engaged couple and newlyweds. Congratulations again on such a stunning little bundle of joy!

  2. Sweet letter, Kel! I wish I'd done a better job of things like that!
